About Rumbbell

啞鈴頭 Rumbbell 樣子活潑,更是一個健身高手,與他的朋友們皆來自運動星球,頭部是由10個不同重量的啞鈴組成,方便隨時隨地做運動、展示及教授正確的運動及飲食知識,是市場上罕見以健身運動為主題,傳遞健康形象的授權品牌,加上由著名私人健身顧問 RYAN LEE 親自創造設計,更令 Rumbbell 在健身運動界有一定的公信力及影響力,絕對是健身運動界的體育明星。

Rumbbell 與他的朋友們雖然性格各有不同,但都熱愛運動,熟悉各種運動的玩法。他們同時懂得享受美食;因為他們明白,只要選擇合適的食物,掌握最佳的分量、烹調方法和進食時間,就能吃得更 fit 更健康。當他們來到地球後,對地球上很多東西也感到新奇,每日學習並與大家分享專業健身運動與 keep fit 知識。

授權範圍 : 商品授權•活動授權•店鋪授權•特許經營•跨界合作。

Rumbbell look lovely, also it is an expert of fitness. His head was created with a circular shape, composed by 10 different dumbbell weights which easily doing exercise anywhere, showing and instructing exercise with proper diet knowledge. With a healthy brand image of licensed, it is rare to find in the market that using fitness and sports as a theme, coupled with the well-known personal fitness consultant- Ryan Lee which even more trustable, influentially and absolutely bringing Rumbbell become a sports stars.

Rumbbell and its friends are all come from different sport-planets, their heads were created with a circular shape, composed by 10 different dumbbell weights which easy for doing exercise anywhere. Although, all of them has their own personality, but they are interesting in working out and do exercise everyday expertly in every fields. Every of them are enjoying dinning and eat in a fitness way because they know how to choose their suitable food, how to choose the best ingredients to cook also the best eating time, in order to eat with healthy and happy in their planet. They felt lot of strange things on earth and found many different interesting things happen daily, by all these happen, which make them to share and learn keep fit everyday with their professional knowledge.

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